Inspired by the bestselling LEGO Botanical sets and scientific drawings of flora, this almanac combines floral facts, intricate botanical illustrations, and exclusive stories from LEGO set designers, plus a bonus collectible flower print to display. 
I created photographic layouts for the 27 LEGO Botanicals profiled in this book as reference material for illustrator Nina Pace. As part of the art direction, we wanted to see her painterly hand in partially rendered illustrations to differentiate the art from LEGO product or lifestyle photography.
Using Nina’s beautifully rendered illustrations and LEGO’s lifestyle photography, I designed the cover, interiors, and a collectible botanical print to work within LEGO’s brand guidelines while contributing my own design language to the book. 
6 x 8” / 112 pages / paper grain with deboss on title / comes with a 5 x 7” art print
LEGO Botanical Almanac
Book Design
Art Direction
Creative Director: Sara Schneider
Illustrator: Nina Pace
Licensor: LEGO
Editor: Brittany McInerney
Publisher: Chronicle Books
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